Saturday, December 3, 2011

Stress Hormones - CORTISOL - The Stress Hormone That Makes Us Forget and Wonder If It's Alzheimer's

!±8± Stress Hormones - CORTISOL - The Stress Hormone That Makes Us Forget and Wonder If It's Alzheimer's

You have a wonderful organ in your body called the Adrenal Gland and when it produces a stress hormone called CORTISOL, it becomes your worst nightmare! When ever we are asked to step out of our comfort zone which is a bubble of about 21 inches around our feet we stress out. Our brain says I am out of here until you can take the stress off of me! So is it any wonder why you feel like you are getting the early onset of Alzheimer's. We build memories throughout life using the wonderful senses GOD gave us when he created us. He knew we were incapable of working efficiently without some practice. He also gave us a way to not lose all of our ability to remember by breaking up memories into various areas of our brain where they are initially created. Yes, stored in a way, that if we were to accidentally destroy one of the areas by abuse, trauma, or unhealthy means, we could reestablish our memory by using one of the other areas.

Let me explain what I mean. When you learn something new say colors, objects, pain, emotion, love, etc we store that new learned memory in the area that is stimulated first or the most. Encoding a memory is just that, new information laid down in a memory trace by visual, auditory, touch, smell etc. Now the way that cluster of neurons is established is like drawing a circle with a dot in the middle of the circle. Let's call that a brain cell. Then draw a line out of the edge of the circle to a smaller dot. We will call that the receptor at the point of that smaller dot. Now the line between the circle and the dot is called a Dendrite or Axon depending on which side you draw a line, oh yeah there will actually be two lines coming out of the brain cell with little dots on the end. Now what we wind up with is a circle with a dot in the middle of it called a nucleus and two lines maybe out of opposite ends of the circle drawn to a smaller dot on the end of each line. Now we have a brain cell or neuron. Now along the line parallel to the line are wrappings like taking a long hair and wrapping scotch tape around it lengthwise. Let's say every one inch along the way with a 1/4 inch gap before wrapping another inch of more scotch tape around it and doing this all the way to the end of the line to the small dot. Now this is called the myelin sheath where the tape is wrapped around the lines several times along the line each 1 inch area with a gap of 1/4 inch between each or space. It might look like this O---------0. Except the first or big O would have a dot in the middle and I can't make this draw such so you will just have to imagine it's there!

Now when you learn some new data or information like a memory this little diagram I have just abstractly laid down in your mind (or tried to illustrate above) is created. Neurotransmitters or chemicals travel along this little line to the small dot called a receptor and another just like it almost butts up against the first circle line dot connection with a gap between each area. It might look like this O------00------O. When in our brain we get to a salt solution action potential they call it of Plus or Minus 70 salt or sodium solution a synapse fires electrically (about 5 watts) between the little dots in the middle connecting those two brain cells (nucleus) at each end making one memory trace or neuron cluster.

Now that is as graphic, abstract or technical as I will get just to let you know where memories are built. Now imagine 26 Billion neurons in the average person made up of these little connectors and brain cells that make up your memory. Imagine every time you have seen, read, heard, felt, smelled, or tasted something new a brand new cluster of these neurons are built. Also they are still up there in your non erasable tape that you try to retrieve at your beckon call if there was enough emotion or novelty to make it unique.. This is where the problem lies you did not store it efficiently by focusing on it so it's just thrown up into your brain where you have trouble retrieving it. And this why your concern of early onset of Alzheimer's plays out in your mind every time you forget.

The exciting thing is that you have the power to control how these neuron clusters are stored for retrieval at your command. The problem is you haven't been taught formally how to do just that. You see in kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade you were doing ok because you were using the best system ever developed. Then wham in 3rd, 4th and on you became brain dead. Why because you were being taught from then on how to memorize. There lies the dilemma of why you can't retrieve the things you want when you want them. Because of that wonderful Cortisol hormone that shuts you down on retrieving from the long term memory or storing of new short term memories.

Let me explain it to you another way when you use to play the game Pong on your computer or Nintendo player whatever, you tried to make the ball hit the paddle and back over to the other side and back and on and on. Well when the memory trace or neuron cluster is formed in the visual cortex then the auditory and then the taste or smell on and on the little chemical and electrical firings from cell body to cell body keeps going back and forth echoing until you either transfer it to long term memory or to oblivion. The real secret of how to control that echoing and lying down of new information or details of that memory is that you have to be focused. You also need to have a place to tie the stimuli to, in order for it to transfer to your long term memory for future recall.

Your brain works in pictures and the sooner you learn how to create those mental file folders (a mental location to store information in) and then how to put the picture in the file folder and glue it to the file the sooner you will be able to remember. You then will be able to have the self confidence that Alzheimer's will never have a place in your life. Neither will absentmindedness, stress or any other Mild Cognitive Impairment be able to embarrass you ever again. By having a place to file something hold on to it long enough for the echoing and firing to keep echoing or firing continuously longer the better those memory traces will be laid down. Then when you need it the same neurons that fired originally will fire again in a clear synchronized manner to retrieve and give it back to you almost identical to the way you built it. It will never be identical because you would not know the difference of a memory and reality. If you allow enough novelty or emotion to store with the cluster the memory has a chance over the next 10 minutes to 2 years through hippocampul consolidation to lay down into the long term memory transferred from the working or short term memory. Actually the memory is laid down between stage 3 and 4 of your sleep cycles somewhere in the a.m. of sleep. So by learning how to organize and file pictures into you files and bonding them with glue you can keep it for as long as you deem necessary. The process we call Mindful Based Stress Reduction.

Life is fun and easy when you pictureize your way through life instead of memorize. More detail and explanation of how memory can be improved will be forthcoming in future articles.

Stress Hormones - CORTISOL - The Stress Hormone That Makes Us Forget and Wonder If It's Alzheimer's

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Radioactive Consumer Products

!±8± Radioactive Consumer Products

I am sure that most people are not aware that some of the consumer products that are present around us contain Radioactive Material/s (RAM) (i.e. Uranium).

I am posting this, not to scare the public but to raise their awareness on what common consumer products contain this RAM. Furthermore, this is to inform them that radiation has many uses in our daily lives.

Take a look at the following images and see if you recognize them are if they are present in your homes.

Check - Up Gum

Check- Up Gum helped fight plaque. As the gum was chewed, tiny granules of zirconium silicate (the third listed ingredient) scraped the teeth clean.

The reason that Check·Up Gum is featured here is that the zirconium silicate contained elevated levels of uranium and thorium (e.g., 100 pCi/g). The amount of zirconium silicate in the gum was such that the uranium concentration is approximately 7 pCi per gram of gum. Since the uranium series is in secular equilibrium, the gum also contains 7 pCi of Ra-226 per gram. As a matter of interest, there have been many situations where this level of radium in soil has required remedial action.

Although Check·Up Gum is no longer produced, zirconium silicate continues to be used in dental pastes and some toothpastes. Nevertheless, consumers can rest assured that the radiation dose is negligible - the radioactive material is bound up in the zirconium silicate and would not be assimilated even if swallowed.

Tape Dispenser

This is a 3M Model C-15 Decor Scotch tape dispenser. It is slightly radioactive due to the thorium-containing monazite sand that was used as ballast. This particular example came from a 55 gallon drum of tape dispensers that the U.S. Army was about to dispose of as radioactive waste.


As a result of an investigation in early 1988 by the Los Angeles County Health Department, various state radiation control programs in the U.S. issued warnings concerning the manufacture and use of jewelry made from old watch parts. These parts often included radioluminescent watch faces and hands. The jewelry, which included, broaches, bracelets, earrings, etc. had become quite popular and because it was easy to produce, the typical manufacturer was a small business operating out of someone's home or apartment. Production is known to have occurred in California, Oregon, Texas and Pennsylvania. The radiation control programs in Tennessee, Texas and possibly some other states invited the public to bring suspect jewelry to their offices to be monitored for radioactivity.

The usual mode of manufacture was to dismantle old watches, clean the parts with some sort of abrasive, polish the pieces, assemble the jewelry, and possibly coat it with an acrylic spray. It seems that there was no awareness on the part of the manufacturers of the potential hazards.

Even though some of the jewelry was worn in direct contact with the skin, and a number of premises were found to be contaminated (e.g., up to 50,000 cpm), there were no reports of injuries to individuals who wore or manufactured the jewelry. Nevertheless, one individual, who had been making such jewelry for six years, was found to have "1/30 of a body burden of radium-226."

Potassium Chloride Water Softener Salt

Hard water contains more minerals, especially calcium and magnesium, that ordinary water. This can lead to the build up of scale in pipes and appliances. A water softener is used to reduce the concentration of these minerals.

In essence, a water softener consists of an ion exchange resin that removes the minerals as the water flows through it. After a while, the resin becomes saturated with these minerals and it no longer functions. At this point, a salt solution is added to the resin. The salt exchanges with the accumulated minerals, and allows them to be washed out of the softener into a drain. This rejuvenates the softener.

A variety of materials can be used as the water softener salt, e.g., sodium chloride (NaCl) or potassium chloride (KCl). In the example shown here, the water softener salt is over 99% potassium chloride.

All potassium contains potassium-40, a naturally occurring beta gamma emitter, and in large enough quantities it is easily detected with a simple survey meter. This bag, for example, could not get through a monitor at a nuclear power plant without setting off an alarm.

Smoke Detectors

The ionization chamber smoke detector was invented in the early 1940s in Switzerland , and introduced into the U.S. in 1951.

The sensitive component of the ICSD is an ionization chamber that is open to the atmosphere (photo below left). A radioactive source inside the chamber emits radiation that ionizes the air in the chamber and makes it conductive.

Ionization chamber smoke detectors almost always use alpha emitters as the source because of the high density of the ionization that they produce.

Most ICSDs sold today use an oxide of americium-241 (Am-241) as the radioactive source. The typical activity for a modern residential ICSD is approximately 1 uCi, while the activity in one used in public and commercial buildings might be as high as 50 uCi. In 1980, the average activity employed in a residential smoke detector was approximately 3 uCi, three time higher than it is today.

Am-241 is an alpha emitter, but it also emits a low energy (59.5 keV) gamma ray. The Am-241 is mixed with gold and incorporated into a composite gold and silver foil sandwich. The source is 3 to 5 mm in diameter, and either crimped or welded into place inside the chamber.

Other nuclides have also been used. NRC records indicate that approximately 124,000 ICSDs were sold between 1971 and 1986 that employed nickel-63 (Ni-63). These units averaged approximately 10 microcuries of Ni-63 each.

Radium-226 (radium sulfate) was the first radioactive source used in smoke detectors. According to NUREG/CP-0001, U.S. producers stopped making Ra-226 containing smoke detectors in 1963 when they switched to Am-241. Nevertheless, according to NCRP 95, it would seem that radium-containing ICSDs continued to be sold in the U.S. at least until 1978. A typical residential smoke detector contained 0.05 uCi of Ra-226, but some contained up to 0.1 uCi. Commercial smoke detectors employed considerably higher activities.

Radioactive Consumer Products

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Monday, November 14, 2011

Checking the Cassette Tape

!±8± Checking the Cassette Tape

Knowing the Cassette Tape

Cassette tapes are produced of a polyester type plastic celluloid with a magnetized coating. The gamma ferric oxide (Fe2O3) was the basis of the original magnetized stuff. About 1970, a doping cobalt volume procedure with a double-coating method to heighten overall tape output levels was developed and introduced by 3M company. This merchandise was commercialized as 'High Energy' under its Scotch brand of recording tapes. The tapes tagged with a 'low-noise' label are usually not that costly. However, these 'low-noise' tapes are not for high frequency reception.

Some Noted Facts

The chromium dioxide or the CrO2 was introduced by DuPont, the inventor of the particle, and the inventor of magnetic recording (which is the BASF), and then coatings using magnetic iron-ore or the Fe3O4 were developed in a try to approach the audio quality of vinyl records (like the Audua of TDK). These said developments also happened in 1970 as well. The TFK introduced Avilyn or the cobalt-absorbed iron oxide in 1974 and was demonstrated very productive. Eventually pure metal motes (as opposed to oxide formulations) were prefaced in 1979 by 3M subordinate the trade name Metafine. The tape coating on most Cassettes consist of Ferric Oxide and Cobalt mixed in varying proportions and sold today as either 'Normal' or 'Chrome' (and using various processes); there are very few cassettes on the market that use a pure (CrO2) surfacing.

Sound Quality

Simple sound recorders are designed to process with regular ferric preparations. High fidelity tape decks are commonly built with switches or detectors for the several nonparallel and leveling requirements for high performance tapes. The most common, the IEC Type I or the iron oxide tapes, use 120 µs playback equalization, while the IEC Type II or the chrome and cobalt-absorbed tapes require 70 µs playback equalization. The recording had a much farther time constant and there were differences in the 'bias' equalizations. The IEC Type III or the 'ferrichrome' or the FeCR is a dual layer tape with both ferric oxide and chrome dioxide was tested and marketed, but these were only available for a short time in the 1970's by Sony and BASF. The IEC Type IV or Metal Cassettes also use 70 µs playback equalization, and supply still further improvements in sound caliber. The quality is normally reflected in the price; Type IV usually the most expensive and Type I cassettes are generally the cheapest. BASF chrome tape used in commercially pre-recorded type I cassettes used 120 µs playback equalization to allow greater high frequency propelling rate for better audio quality, but the broader selling point for the music labels was that the same Type I cassette scale could be used for both ferric and for chrome music cassettes.

Cassette Tapes Statistics

These tapes have an average width of 0.150 inches or 3.81 millimeters. Each of its stereo tracks is 0.6 millimeters wide. Cassette tapes moves at 1 1/8 inches per seconds (or 4.76 centimeters in a tick).

Checking the Cassette Tape

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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

3M Scotch 4905 VHB Tape (20 mil / transparent): 1 in. x 72 yds. (Clear)

!±8± 3M Scotch 4905 VHB Tape (20 mil / transparent): 1 in. x 72 yds. (Clear)

Rate : | Price : | Post Date : Nov 01, 2011 08:15:12
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

3M VHB Tape provides the convenience and simplicity of a tape fastener and are ideal for use in many interior and exterior structural bonding applications. In many situations, they can replace rivets, spot welds, liquid adhesives and other permanent fasteners. These VHB tapes are made with acrylic foam which is viscoelastic in nature. This gives the foam energy absorbing and stress relaxing properties which provides these tapes with their unique characteristics. The acrylic chemistry provides outstanding durability performance. The tapes have excellent durability and excellent solvent and moisture resistance. 3M 4905 VHB Tape is excellent for applications where an aggressive double-sided clear or colorless tape is desired. The general purpose adhesive on both sides is suitable for high surface energy substrates including metal, glass and high surface energy plastics. Application ideas include sealing between inner and outer dome of skylights, attaching handles to sliding glass doors, mounting back lit translucent signs and edge bonding resin filled glass. Widths shown in dropdown are in inches.

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